Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 27, 2006


I have been teaching high school English for five years now...this year I ventured into a new experience. I started teaching ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). Now, you need to understand that these students have JUST MOVED to the United States. Some of them know some English, but most of them only know how to say their names and where they are from. They are in the same class for five periods: ESOL immersion. Needless to say, this has been quite the learning experience for me. So, why am I writing about this? Because I LOVE these children. I only teach them first and second periods, but they are the highlight of my day. They are so eager to learn and are so appreciative of anything I can share with them. This year was my best birthday ever because I heard "Happy Birthday" in five languages....English (of course), Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. It was an absolutely beautiful thing; I will not forget that day. When I look at my students, I think about heaven and how amazing it will be to see every tribe, tongue, and nation singing HIS praises. Just wanted to share!


Ang said...

Oh my gosh!! I'm so glad that you guys have a blog. I will definitely add you to my blog as soon as I get a chance. Love you and miss you both.

Melissa said...

welcome to the blogging world....

just came by to say hello from Thailand- We are friends of Hugh and Hollie -

blessings on you both

melissa hughes

Hollie Carson said...

Oh, that's wonderful! Isn't it so awesome to have eager learners? I think the same way of believers, as we need to be eager to sit at the Lord's feet and be eager to soak up whatever we can from Him.
What a great visual. Thanks for sharing-

The Hartzog's said...

What a blessing to love what you do everyday! Thanks for sharing. Oh...happy late birthday (in English) :)

The Hartzog's said...

Oh yeah...I'll also get ya'll added to our links when I can figure it out or have my Jeremy help me do it :)

In My Arms